Along the right of the BLOG
- A hungry cook is an idiot.
- Take care of yourself
- Any day above ground is a good day.
- God lets us stay here on earth and we are doing well to be alive
- Anything for YOU!
- I just want to be of service
- Better you than me.
- I am glad that it happened to somebody but me. Not that I wish ill on you.
- Can't is such a strong word.
- You should consider that you really CAN do something. It may be difficult, but you can do it.
- Communication is such a difficult thing.
- It is obvious you did not understand me, or I did not understand you. Please clarify your point, or let me clarify my point.
- Como esta' frijole tennis shoe? (How you bean keds?)
- Didn't we go to different High Schools together?
- We must have something in common.
- Do as I say, not as I do.
- Do what is wise.
- Don't hurt yourself!
- Go get on with whatever you are going to do.
- Function over form. (not form over function)
- I am definitely a function kinda guy.
- Get over it.
- Don't let your emotions get in the way
- Happiness is a state of mind.
- When you decide to be happy, you will be.
- Hurry up and wait!
- Why must I do things on someone elses schedule, especially when they are late or start late becasue others are late. START ON TIME.
- I KNOW you can.
- An answer to someone asking -- Can I ........ instead of MAY I ......
- I suppose that you CAN!
- see above
- I was ____ once! (fill in blank with age, or something else)
- About the only way I know to relate to somebody.
- Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean I won't get you.
- a threat
- Never underestimate your influence
- I believe that people are watching and you will have an influence
- No news is good news.
- There is no such thing as good news
- or
- When you don't hear anything then things are OK
- No, no, no, no; you don't understand!
- An interjection to garner the attention of the student
- People are dying to get in there. (about cemetaries)
- A truth
- Reading the instructions is cheating. (this applies to men only)
- Men are not allowed to read the instructions without first putting in a valiant effort
- They say the second thing to go is the memory.
- What? What were we doing?
- What are YOU doing here?
- A repeat of a phrase from a 2 year old to me at choir practice. She did not want to see me after having spent 2 hours in nursery with her.
- Wherever you go -- there you are.
- Be aware of yourself
- Why matters!
- The reason is sometimes just as important as the act
- You are only happy if you think you are!
- Mental attitude has more to do with happiness than any other thing
- Your focus determines your reality.
- Goals, thoughts, and desires influence all you do.
Placing the genius tag at the end of Dadisms was a nice touch, very appropriate.
ReplyDeleteI love you Uncle Larry!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you love me. I need all the love that I can get.
ReplyDeleteI love you too.